It is this time of year! When it is time to get back into the routines. Time to find the pencil case, backpack and drinking bottle. Many are excited, nervous and some may be dreading going back to school. Going back to schools means seeing good friends, classmates and teachers again, but it also means studying and for many homework in the evenings.
Unfortunately studying and homework gives bad associations for many students. Which can be totally understandable, especially if the students don’t feel achievement and is overwhelmed by it.
Get engaged by mastering the STEM subjects
Now at the start at a new school year, it is time to turn the sheet and bring some enthusiasm back to acquiring knowledge. Learning is and should be fun. And we all know we learn a lot faster when we have fun.
We in MakeKit believes in linking the curriculum and subjects to real-world problems and give the students the opportunity to find answers for themselves.
Get a sense of achievement and find joy in the challenge.
Our kits are made for exactly this. Master technology and get a better understanding through engaging and problem based learning with the kits.
Get a sense of achievement and find joy in the challenge. This is something we have made easier by combining multiple subjects. Students will quickly find achievement in what they are good at, at the same time as they are challenged by subjects that may not be as interesting, to begin with. This may open the door to finding new favourite subjects.
If you are a teacher or a parent and want to learn more about our kits, and how to use them, please reach out to us or contact your local distributor of MakeKit products.

Learn STEM or STEAM with kits from MakeKit
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