Teachers face the challenging task of continuously integrating new curricula and technologies into their teaching. With the ever-increasing importance of practical teaching and technological competence, it is essential to find ways to streamline and enrich the learning experience for both students and teachers. Here, MakeKit's "CodeClass" comes in as a groundbreaking solution.
Launched by MakeKit, Norway's sole producer of educational materials for the popular coding platform micro:bit, CodeClass offers a unique service aimed at schools and teachers. This service is designed to ease the burden on teachers when it comes to using new educational materials and equipment like the micro:bit in teaching.
CodeClass is not just a service, but an educational partner. Professional guides from MakeKit take over the teaching for a certain number of hours, where they conduct a teaching program full of practical and engaging activities. These tasks are designed to give students a sense of achievement and creativity, key elements in modern teaching.
Whether it’s an introduction to micro:bit, or more advanced projects like Hover:bit and Air:bit, CodeClass has different levels tailored to various needs:
An important aspect of CodeClass is the focus on the teacher's professional development. Participating teachers will receive all necessary teaching materials, videos, and guides, so they can continue the programs on their own.
CodeClass represents not just a service, but an evolution in how we think about educational materials for practical teaching. With the offer to test this service at reduced prices, schools are encouraged to become pilot schools for this exciting initiative. læremidler for praktisk undervisning. Med tilbudet om å teste ut denne tjenesten til reduserte priser, oppfordres skoler til å bli pilotskoler for dette spennende initiativet.
As a teacher, it’s easy to feel like you’re juggling too many balls at once, especially when it comes to incorporating new technologies like micro:bit into the curriculum. CodeClass offers an innovative and accessible solution to meet these challenges, and opens the door for a more engaging and practical approach to learning. By embracing such initiatives, we can ensure that our students are well-equipped for the challenges of the future.