Category: micro:bit

Remote controlled mini sleigh in winter landscape and snow
Bao Marianna Nguyen

Utforskende læring med Snow:bit

Snow:bit er stjernen i vårt nyeste prosjekt der vi samarbeider med skoler rundt omkring i landet. Prosjektet er i gang, men fremdeles i startfasen. Vår

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Steinar Holøs

Wheel:bit stands out in the field of micro:bit-powered cars

Wheel:bit is not just a robot car; it's a springboard for creativity and the joy of making. Unlike many competitors with a more closed design, Wheel:bit invites users to customize and modify the design, allowing them to truly create their own unique version.

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Henning P

Inspirasjons-workshop med Tekna

Visste du at datalogging kan gjøres superenkelt med micro:bit? Nylig holdt vi workshop der tillitsvalgte realfagslærere fikk laste ned telemetri-data i sanntid fra Air:bit dronen.

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Micro:bit V2

As you may have noticed, the micro:bit is now being upgraded to V2 and the V1 has stopped production. Some of the new features include

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