Make a roof parking stick and park your drone on the go!
Much like the previous game, «The Flying Magnet», the idea was to create something challenging, fun, and awesome! And the result is «Roof Parking».
What you need to build this project; a flower stick (or the 3D-printed «flower stick copy»), one nut (the same nut you use for the Air:bit) two magnets, superglue, duct tape, and a platform of your choosing.
* You can download premade 3D-print files, one for the «flower stick copy», and one for a «bracket» for the flower stick (0,5 cm hole size). These files will be available at the bottom of this page. * Make sure that the magnet is strong enough to hold the Air:bit by itself, before doing this project in real life. I recommend neodymium magnets for this project.
*Try to keep the weight of the magnet stick to 5 gram or less
How to:
Option 1) Start by gluing one of the magnets to the flower stick, then glue the other magnet to the platform of your choosing, and tape it to the ceiling. Mount the flower stick and the magnet, to your Air:bit, preferably the front hole of the Air:bit platform, then secure the flower stick with a nut (standard nut that comes with the Air:bit), so that it is stable and firmly attached. This should be more than enough, but if it`s not, you can do this instead:
Option 2) Start by gluing the bracket for the flower stick, to the flower stick, then glue the magnet to the bracket. Glue the other magnet to the platform of your choosing, and tape it to the ceiling. Mount the flower stick with the bracket, to your Air:bit, preferably the front hole of the Air:bit platform, then secure the flower stick with a nut (standard nut that comes with the Air:bit), so that it is stable and firmly attached.
Option 3) If you do choose to download and to 3D-print the file «Flower Stick Copy», the only thing you need to do is this: Start by attaching the flower stick copy to the front hole of the Air:bit frame, then fasten it with a nut (standard nut that comes with the Air:bit), and then glue one of the magnets to the platform on top of the flower stick copy. Then glue the other magnet to a platform of your choosing, and tape it to the ceiling. Make sure the flower stick copy is stable, and firmly attached.

Now all you have to do is to start your Air:bit as you normally would do, fly and have fun, and try to hit the magnet in the ceiling, mount it, and power off your Air:bit.
If you have done everything the correct way, your Air:bit should now be parked in your ceiling!
Real-world application. When flying a drone, especially as a delivery service, you may need a place to park the drone, so that the recipient can more easily receive the package. Once the package is received, the receiver can easily disconnect the drone so that the drone can fly back to the company. This way, the parking ability allows a more safe delivery service, for the receiver.

In this example, there is an echo sounder at the end of the drone, but the principle is the same. The exception is that the mounting location for the flower stick is on the front hole of the Air:bit platform, and that the angle of the straw is upwards, not down towards the ground.
Download 3D-print files:
Flower Stick 0,5cm bracket – Flower Stick Copy:
M3 Slices:
If you create this project, i recommend to use propeller protectors. This is something i recommend to always use, for safety reasons. And try to create it in an area of your ceiling that is open, and not occupied.
And if you do post pictures/videos of it, please tag @goMakeKit on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
Enjoy the «Roof Parking», and have fun!